20. december 2023 - kl. 18.00
Catan Christmas Tournament
Man må også gerne bytte sine pakker til ressourcer i kampen om en plads ved finalebordet!
Det koster
50,- at deltage og
ALLE pengene går til pakker, så der bliver gaveregn over Catan øerne

Tilmelding foregår efter først til mølle princippet og er bindende.
Skriv til os på messenger eller kom forbi caféen og tilmeld dig

P.S. Det er en HYGGE-turnering og alle kan være med!!! Har du aldrig prøvet Catan, så kan du få masser af hjælp

Just like last year, we're hosting a Catan tournament - Christmas Edition!
We are playing with the traditional Catan rules, but we're also adding gifts to each table. When you roll 7 and activate the thief, you can both steal a ressource as usual, but you can also steal a gift from the island or from a player.
You are allowed to trade your gifts for ressources in the hunt for a spot at the final.
It costs 50kr to participate and ALL the money from the entrance-fee will be used for gifts.
Sign-up is first come, first serve and it is binding.
Write to us on messenger or drop by the café to sign up.
P.S. This tournament is just for FUN so everyone can join! If you have never tried Catan, there will be plenty of opportunity to get help